Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tiny Tot Tuesdays and a Helmet Update!

Now, for some great, awesome, exciting, fabulous, wonderful news. We had another cranial scan yesterday and Caroline's head looks really good. Without giving you the confusing numbers and measurements, Caroline has met all the dismissal criteria to come out of the helmet. She has about two more weeks of growing room in the helmet so we're going to finish filling it out then she's DONE!! So two weeks from this Monday, Caroline will be finished with the helmet. Yay!!! We're so excited and so happy with how her head looks!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wait, What Just Happened?!?
Caroline's smile quickly turned to a cry when she realized I was taking her picture instead of picking her up. Bad mommy :-)

Sunday, October 26, 2008
- DO NOT take your 6 1/2 month old infant, who doesn't like bright, hot, sunny days to a shadeless pumpkin patch on a bright, hot, sunny day!!
- DO NOT wear long sleeves and jeans to a shadeless pumpkin patch on a bright, hot, sunny day!!
- DO NOT attempt any big outing on a Sunday with your 6 1/2 month old infant who is sleep deprived because of church and a short morning nap.
- DO NOT ever visit a pumpkin patch with children if the temperature outside is more than 70 degrees!!
- DO NOT take your 6 1/2 month old infant to a really fun pumpkin patch filled with bounce houses, hay rides, hay mazes, slides, and a fun little train when all he/she can really do is sit up and therefore misses all of the fun of the pumpkin patch in the first place.

Our fam
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Halloween Preview

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Pumpkin Patch Fun

Friday, October 17, 2008
Helmet Update
Just in case you're wondering why there are a lot of pictures on the blog with Caroline NOT wearing her helmet, it's because we take it off a lot for pics. We didn't want all of her baby pictures between 5-7 months to be in the helmet. So we often take it off for a few minutes to snap some pics then back on it goes.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Weekend Review

Caroline and Daddy watching the game (actually, Matt watched the game and Caroline played with the remote)