Thursday, December 3, 2009

Puppy Heaven

Recently, we went with Matt's parents to visit a lab breeder (they are looking for a lab puppy). I have never seen so many adorable puppies in my life. We were all in puppy heaven!!
Caroline holding a 3 week old puppy in her lap
Here they come to greet us

For awhile, Caroline was more interested in the puppies' slide than the puppies themselves

"Help, I'm stuck!!"
Matt, getting lots of love
My sweet mom-in-law

Matt would love a lab, but I think a puppy AND a 20 month old toddler would be way too much to handle at the moment. These pups sure were adorable though!
Caroline loved giving them "love pats"

This tiny 3 week old lab nuzzled right up in my neck. So sweet!
Thanks for such a fun day, Mimi and PopPop!! We can't wait to meet the new addition to your family :-)


SarahFifer said...

PLEASE tell us when they get one - we will SO want to come hold it!!!

Katie said...

Looks like so much fun!

Of course, I remember the Bear trail! Oh, those days of running at 10 pm. Now I'm in bed. Sigh. ; )