We had a WHITE Christmas this year!! It was so beautiful and I LOVED the fact that it really felt like Christmas. It was so fun!! Here is our (looong) Christmas recap:
Our fam at Matt's parents house on Christmas Eve
Caroline and I had to go out and play in the "blizzard-like" conditions (that's what all the weather people kept saying on the radio :-) 

Caroline loved making footprints in the snow.
We had a wonderful Christmas Eve. We went to our church's 4:00 Christmas service with Matt's family. After church we headed back to Matt's parent's house for a yummy chili dinner. My brother, mom, gma and aunt joined us for dinner too. As is tradition in our family, Caroline got to open ONE gift on Christmas Eve:

Christmas pajamas of course!!
I think she was bummed there wasn't a toy in that box, haha
Excuse Caroline's hair in these next few pics. By the time I put her pjs on, she was done with her bow. She told me "bow no pjs" so I guess bows don't go with pajamas :-)
Caroline and my sweet aunt Jean:

Talking to Santa
Pic of my in-laws front lawn...look at all of that snow!
Pic of our front yard...sorry it's blurry
On Christmas morning we woke up, gave Caroline her milk and read Luke 2 together. Caroline listened so intently (even though daddy's bible doesn't have any pictures :-)
Then it was on to the presents! When Caroline saw what was under the tree, she pointed and said "WOW!!"
Having fun on her new "big suck" (translation: "big truck")
Caroline was way more into opening presents this year (vs. last year) but she definitely had no idea what was really going on and was overwhelmed some of the time.
After opening presents, we moved on to stockings. When we asked Caroline if she wanted to open her stocking, this is what she did:
She was ready!

We opened stockings and had breakfast. This year we put a candle in our coffee cake and sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. Caroline sang most of the song and then helped us blow out the candle. After breakfast, we headed over to Mimi and PopPop's house (Matt's mom and dad) to have Christmas with Matt's family.

She loved this vacuum cleaner and has been pushing it around our house non-stop since Christmas. Thank you Mimi and PopPop!

Playing with her new cell phone ;-)

If you asked Caroline what she wanted from Santa this year, she would tell you a "baby". So Caroline got LOTS of babies for Christmas.

We celebrated with Matt's fam then headed over to my mom's house for Christmas with my family.
My mom and Nannie, ready to open some presents!
Aunt Jean helping Caroline open a gift
Showing off her new Dora plate!
Okay, so my pictures stop here. I was SO tired of taking pictures by this time, I just gave up. Which is sad because I don't have many pics of Caroline with her presents but for some reason, I hit a major picture wall :-) After opening gifts with my family, Matt's parents and brother came over to my mom's house and we all enjoyed a delish Christmas dinner together! The guys ended the day with a football game and all the girls (minus Caroline of course :-) went to see the movie, "It's Complicated". Christmas was very special this year. Watching everything through Caroline's eyes was so fun. But the biggest blessing of all was getting to spend the day with those we love so much!! I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas (and have a happy New Year!! :-)