Caroline had her first experience at the fair this week! We went with our community group (from church) minus our friend, Lauren, who sadly got stuck at work.
I thought all of the people, noise, lights, etc...would overwhelm Caroline but I was totally wrong. I wouldn't say she was in her element or anything, but she didn't have any meltdowns and seemed to have a really fun time. She loved looking around, her eyes wide as saucers. It's so fun getting to see these experiences from her eyes. Love it!
Riding the carousel...sorry for the blurry pics but the carousel was going around at breakneck speed (seriously, I don't remember carousels going this fast back in my day!)

Parker and Parker's face...pure joy. This sweet boy loved everything about the fair!

Eating corny dogs in their strollers

Caroline loved the animals

Ewwww, this pic totally grosses me out. Don't worry, we sanitized her hands afterwards...BEFORE she got those fingers in her mouth :-)

My handsome hubby with his sweet girl

Family pic

Caroline was tall enough to ride this airplane ride by 1/2 an inch. Love that our plane was named Thunderbolt :-)

This ride went even faster than the carousel...I can't BELIEVE Caroline didn't cry. She had a vicious death grip on the plane wheel and my leg. I thought she was scared but after the ride was over, she kept asking for more.

Pic of us getting out of the plane. Parker and Laura rode behind us. We were all four going to get in one plane together, but Laura and I were afraid our plane might not take off, ha :-) We probably made the right decision!
Happy on daddy's shoulders
Can't wait to go to the fair next's a whole new world (and so much fun) going with kiddos!!