The delicious cupcake cake Christina made. So cute!
I love this pic of Cason looking at the cupcake...like, what in the world is that?!?

After our morning workout session, it's time for morning nap around 8:30-9:00 a.m. Caroline's least favorite part of the day! One of two things happens:
You just never know!!! Sometimes Caroline will cry for 5-10 minutes before soothing herself to sleep. Sometimes she'll find those fingers right away and she falls asleep immediately. Even though we still struggle with naps, Caroline has made some great improvement. She'll either sleep on and off for 1-2 hours. Or she'll sleep for 30-45 minutes and then wake up and play quietly until I go get her. Every now and then she wakes up crying inconsolably and that's when the lovely swing comes into play. However, we try not to use it as much as possible. Anyway, that's our nap saga.
Caroline eats again around 11:30 a.m. and then it's play time. Sometimes we'll run errands, go shopping, take a trip to the pool, meet a friend for lunch, etc... after she eats.
Even though it's time to play, nothing beats my fingers. Although, this ball might taste yummy... If I just open my mouth wide enough...maybe...maybe...
Nope, I give up!!!
Sometime between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m., Caroline is ready for her afternoon nap. We try to read books before we put Caroline down for naps and bed. Usually, she's pretty tired right before going down so she's not super interested. Doesn't she look so excited? :-) Here are a few of her favorite reads:
After afternoon nap, it's time to eat again (see a trend here?!?). Then more time to play. Caroline just recently grew enough to stand up and play in her exersaucer. She loves it. She entertains herself alone for quite some time in this thing so I love it too!
Told you she loves it...one of the only times I've been able to get her to smile at the camera:
Around 4:30 or 5:00 p.m., Caroline is ready for one more nap. I repeat her naptime routine (read a book, turn on her mobile, sound machine, fan, then cross my fingers and hope for the best!) Once she's up from her last nap of the day, it's time for some quality time with Matt, she'll play some more while we eat dinner, then bath/book/bottle/prayers and finally bed by 8:00 p.m. She'll sleep until 7:00 a.m. and then we start all over again. Pretty fun day, uh?!? I wish I got to eat, play, and sleep all day!!