Thursday, January 29, 2009
Mae Elizabeth
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sick Sick Baby
Poor Caroline is sick! She has had a cold on and off for a couple of weeks now. Friday, she developed a horrific sounding cough. So I took her to the pediatrician yesterday to make sure her lungs were clear.
Thankfully, they were completely clear (sidenote: it's amazing how terrible a baby's cough can sound and they can be completely fine). Anyway, her lungs sounded good but it turns out Caroline has a double ear infection (her first one). No fun!!
Good thing I went to the doctor. I had no idea her ears were infected. She has not been pulling on them, acting fussy, or had a high temperature. I'm so glad we found both infections.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Happy Birthday, Matt
So happy to be in Matt's lap
Disclaimer: Yes, there are PINK candles in my husband's birthday cake. But I couldn't find any red ones and these were all I had. Matt didn't seem to mind.
Make a wish!
After some yummy cake, we played our usual riveting game of 42 with my Aunt Jean and Nannie. All in all, a fun birthday weekend!! Matt, happy 29th birthday! Thanks for being the best husband/daddy two gals could ever wish for!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Weekend Review
Saturday morning, I woke up craving pancakes and decided that it was a wonderful day for Caroline to try pancakes for the first time.
She played with the measuring cups while I made the batter
Caroline "helped" me stir up the batter
"What is that??"
"Yum!!" Caroline enjoyed the first few bites and then had enough. Hopefully, she'll enjoy it a little more next time.
After Carolines' afternoon nap, Matt and I took her to play at the park.
Walking while holding Matt's far her MOST favorite thing to do!
Swinging while laughing at Matt...he can always make her laugh
Swingin' horizontal style
All smiles
Sitting tall on Matt's shoulders
Sliding "by herself"
Sliding with me...a rare pic of the two of us since I'm usually taking the pictures
Sliding with Matt
I'm swinging but covered by the pole (thank goodness...I looked ridiculous)
I like this pic b/c Matt is almost completely vertical. I don't know how he didn't fall out. Remember how fun it used to be to swing so high?!? I SO miss being a kid sometimes!
On Sunday, we woke up and went to church. After we got home, Caroline took a nap and then we headed to the arboretum when she woke up. It was such a pretty day. Caroline enjoyed herself and we did too!
By far, her favorite toy at the moment.
Another rare pic
Cuddling with Matt
We decided since Caroline is now 9 months old, she needs to complete a weekly book report
to stimulate those brain cells. Her first book of choice...the new John Grisham book. "This is kind of boring...I think I'll just skip to the end."
"Enough of that...on to more interesting books. Like Pat the Bunny!!"
Sunday night, we went over to our friends, Amy and Craig's, house for supper club. I know I've posted about supper club before but I just love it b/c I love the people we get to see when we go (and the food is ALWAYS yummy :-) This night was extra special because it was baby Saylor's first time to attend.
Here are the current supper club babies: James (8 months), Caroline (9 months) and Saylor (2 weeks)
The picture at the top of this post is my friend, Kelly, who is pregant with baby Mae due THIS Monday (unless she decides to come early). She'll be the 4th supper club baby to be born in less than a year and we are all so excited. We can't wait to meet Mae.