Recently, Caroline had her very FIRST dance recital. It was incredibly exciting. I had been waiting for that moment for three years. Just kidding...sort of ;-) Caroline's dance was called "Bee Humble" so of course her costume was an adorable little bee. The recital was held at the McFarlin Auditorium at SMU...on a BIG stage. We weren't allowed to take any pictures or video inside the auditorium because they had a professional photographer and videographer taking care of that. So as soon as I get the professional pics and video, I'll post it (well, at least the pics and I'll try to figure out the video). Anyway, here are the pics I took during the rehearsal that morning and then at the recital.
Caroline being "posed" for her portrait:
Sitting outside the auditorium with her sweet friend, Avery, after dress rehearsal:
Ready to go! We were told to put makeup on our little bees. Um, they didn't have to tell me twice. It was just thrilling. For both of us. Caroline kept saying..."I just can't believe I'm getting to wear your makeup, mommy"
Some of Caroline's fan club...Daddy, brother & PopPop
Doesn't Matthew look so excited to be at his sis' dance recital?!?
Some more fans...Aunt Jean, my mom and Nannie (who always looks so regal :-) Missing from the pic is my brother...who was running late but made it just in time, and Mimi, who was on a mission trip in Africa:
Watching Caroline on stage. Matthew did great and was very quiet during the whole recital. He had a look of bewilderment on his face the whole time, ha:

I have to take a moment here to say how proud I am of Caroline. No way in a million years did I ever think she would actually go out on that BIG stage and dance. I thought she would refuse to walk out or, at best, stand up there and cry the whole time. Caroline's dance was first so she (and all of her little classmates) had to stand up on stage behind the big red curtain and wait for the introductions to be made. My heart was pounding when that curtain opened up, and I didn't know what I would see Caroline doing (if she had even made it up on the stage :-) Well, she sure did prove us wrong!! The dress rehearsal must have made her feel right at home. She danced her little heart out and just smiled so big the whole time. She really had a blast and has asked many times since the recital "when do I get to do my recital again". We were all shocked and proud. Go Caroline!
Sitting in Yaya's lap watching the "big girls" dance:
Clapping for the other girls...Caroline LOVED watching the other dances. She watched all of the girls on stage with wide eyes and kept yelling out "yay" when they would do something "pretty":
Getting some flowers from her fans right after her dance. So exciting!

Some family shots after the recital:
We were all starving after the recital so we headed to Macaroni Grill (one of Nannie's favorites) to eat:
Putting bunny ears on our bee :-)
Caroline, we are so proud of you and the fantastic job you did at your first dance recital. We can't wait to watch you dance on the big stage again next year!! We love you!!