She has wanted a red scooter since playing with her friend, Gracie's, back in June when we were in Colorado. She literally said she wanted a red scooter for Christmas for almost SEVEN months. Whew, glad she finally got it, ha!
In scootin' heaven:
Uncle Marcus, opening his new wallet with pictures of his niece and nephew inside. I'm sure he can't WAIT to show them off to his friends ;-)
Now, maybe I'll be able to get Caroline to eat her veggies
Opening her new art easel from Mimi and PopPop (with the help of Abby Puppy)
Santa came to my mom's house too!
My mom gave Caroline these fab pink boots and she went crazy over them. We're in trouble!
Playing Santa...Caroline LOVED handing out all of the gifts at both Mimi's and Yaya's house. She would bring a gift to one of us and ask whose name was on it. Then she would give the present to the correct person. So cute.
Playing with my mom
This Little Einstein computer my mom gave Caroline was a HUGE hit
Yaya and Uncle John
After presents at the grandparents' houses, we went home to take naps and get dressed and ready for Christmas dinner at my mom's house. Matt's fam joined us!
Mimi, with her two grandkids
This is what Matthew did most of the day:
Caroline and Nannie
Aunt Jean gave Caroline one of her most favorite presents...a box FULL of fun dress-up clothes to add to her dress-up drawer!
After we were done opening presents at our house, we went to my mom's house to have Christmas over there. I posted pics out of order so these pics are from Matt's parents' house. We headed there after my mom's house.
Santa came to Mimi & PopPop's house:

After dinner, we opened presents from my Nannie and Aunt Jean
Caroline loved her shopping cart Nannie gave her and pushed her baby and Mickey around all night
This year's Christmas was so magical and special with both a 2 year old and a newborn. We are very blessed!
It was also a very exhausting Christmas with a newborn, and I feel like I was in a fog most of the Season. I look forward to next year. Hopefully we won't be so sleep deprived during the MOST wonderful time of the year ;-)