Thursday, July 30, 2009
Camp Brown
Thursday, July 23, 2009
15 Months Old
1. She is VERY attached to her baby and lovie (a little blanket)...doesn't want to go anywhere or do anything without them!
6. Caroline's favorite summer activity is SWIMMING.
7. She will sign "thank you" and say it ("kuku") when prompted and, today, she did it without any prompting when I gave her a bow she wanted to put on her baby (I know I know, please don't judge :-) I hope that was the first of many polite "thank yous"
8. Pretend play has started in our house...Caroline loves to cover her baby up with a blanket, hold a finger up to her mouth and say "shhh", then say "nigh nigh"
9. Her favorite show is the Backyardigans
10. Favorite food at the moment: blueberries
11. Dance moves include head banging, snapping and stomping around
12. Caroline has a major love for any and all Mexican food (just like her parents!!)
13. Any animal Caroline sees is a "woof"
14. If allowed, she would play ALL day with my keys ("gee") and cell phone.
15. Current Stats: Height, 30 1/2 inches (50th %); Weight, 22 pounds & 13 ounces (50th %); Head Circumference, 17 1/2 inches (25th %); Caroline has her four front top teeth with two more coming in beside them, three front bottom teeth, and all four 1 year molars...she has had 13 teeth come in in 5 months!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Happy 5 Year Anniversary