Saturday, November 1, 2008

Caroline's First Halloween

Caroline had a fun first Halloween!! We celebrated by getting our church playgroup together with two other Watermark playgroups for one big costume party. Good food, good friends, cute babies...good times! Caroline enjoyed herself up until nap time. We came home after the party and took a couple short naps until it was trick-or-treating time. We didn't take Caroline trick-or-treating but she enjoyed handing out candy with Daddy to all the little ghosts and goblins that knocked on our door.
Such a happy girl...ready to party!
Parker the Monkey and Caroline (Parker enjoyed banging Caroline's helmet on the floor...I figured it couldn't's a helmet, right?!?)
Cason as Tony Romo. He even had a band-aid on his pinky it!
"Parties are fun!!"
Mommy with her punkinWe set up a photo op outside:

Toward the end of the party, we tried to get all the kids together for a picture. Yeah right! As you can tell, it was complete chaos. The pictures below contain probably only half of the kids. So many of the kiddos quickly "moved" away the moment they were put down. The noise in the room was deafening...quite a funny moment. Caroline had to be quickly rescued.

Caroline, Parker, and Cason
Passing out candy with Daddy

Overall, a great first Halloween.
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1 comment:

Katie - a Blessed Mommy! said...

She's so cute!!! Love the little pumpkin outfit!